Package-level declarations
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class AdCollector
Collects generic data and events regarding ad playback.
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PlayerBinding for a generic Media3 Player. It reports basic quality information, view timeline events, network and media metadata.
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class MuxStatsSdkMedia3<P : Player> @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, envKey: String, customerData: CustomerData, player: P, playerView: View? = null, customOptions: CustomOptions? = null, network: INetworkRequest? = null, device: IDevice? = null, logLevel: MuxDataSdk.LogcatLevel = LogcatLevel.NONE, playerBinding: MuxPlayerAdapter.PlayerBinding<P>) : MuxDataSdk<P, View>
TODO: doc out of date Monitors a generic Player with Mux Data, reporting data about the View to the environment specified by the env key.
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fun MuxStateCollector.handleExoPlaybackState(@Player.State playbackState: Int, playWhenReady: Boolean)
Handles a change of basic ExoPlayer state
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Handles changes to playWhenReady.
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Handles an ExoPlayer position discontinuity
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Returns true if any media track in the given Tracks object had a video MIME type
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Maps the formats of the tracks in a Tracks.Group to some other type
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Asynchronously watch player playback position, collecting periodic updates out-of-band from the normal callback flow.