When a participant has become an active speaker.
args: ()
When a participant is no longer an active speaker.
args: ()
When the participant has muted a track
args: (RemoteTrack | LocalTrack)
When the remote participant has published a track
Note: This does not mean you are recieving media yet see
args: (LocalTrack)
When the local participant has subscribed to a pubished track. This means the local participant is recieving media and the RemoteTrack will have a MediaStreamTrack that contains that media
Note: This is not emitted on LocalParticipant
args: (RemoteTrack)
When the participant has unmuted a track
args: (RemoteTrack | LocalTrack)
When the remote participant has unpublished a track. This can occur when a participant either unpublishes a track or leaves the space.
Note: It is safe to assume that when this event is fired the track is also unsubscribed
args: (LocalTrack)
When the local participant has unsubcribed from a pubished track. This means the local participant will no longer recieve media for this track
Note: This is not emitted on LocalParticipant
args: (RemoteTrack)
Generated using TypeDoc
ParticipantEvents are how participants give you state updates. You can listen to these events and update your application state accordingly.
Here is how to listen for participant events:
Learn more about using events here
These are the events emitted by RemoteParticipant and LocalParticipant (with a couple noted exceptions):