Enumeration ParticipantEvent

ParticipantEvents are how participants give you state updates. You can listen to these events and update your application state accordingly.

Here is how to listen for participant events:

participant.on(ParticipantEvent.TrackPublished, (track) => {})

Learn more about using events here

These are the events emitted by RemoteParticipant and LocalParticipant (with a couple noted exceptions):

Enumeration Members

CustomEventPublished: "CustomEventPublished"

When a participant has published a custom event. This is triggered on the participant who published the event.

args: (CustomEvent)

StartedSpeaking: "StartedSpeaking"

When a participant has become an active speaker.

args: ()

StoppedSpeaking: "StoppedSpeaking"

When a participant is no longer an active speaker.

args: ()

TrackMuted: "TrackMuted"

When the participant has muted a track

args: (RemoteTrack | LocalTrack)

TrackPublished: "TrackPublished"

When the remote participant has published a track

Note: This does not mean you are recieving media yet see

args: (LocalTrack)

TrackSubscribed: "TrackSubscribed"

When the local participant has subscribed to a pubished track. This means the local participant is recieving media and the RemoteTrack will have a MediaStreamTrack that contains that media

Note: This is not emitted on LocalParticipant

args: (RemoteTrack)

TrackUnmuted: "TrackUnmuted"

When the participant has unmuted a track

args: (RemoteTrack | LocalTrack)

TrackUnpublished: "TrackUnpublished"

When the remote participant has unpublished a track. This can occur when a participant either unpublishes a track or leaves the space.

Note: It is safe to assume that when this event is fired the track is also unsubscribed

args: (LocalTrack)

TrackUnsubscribed: "TrackUnsubscribed"

When the local participant has unsubcribed from a pubished track. This means the local participant will no longer recieve media for this track

Note: This is not emitted on LocalParticipant

args: (RemoteTrack)

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